What is Cancer Supportive Care?
Supportive cancer care “is better and earlier access to expertise in managing the “range of” adverse effects of cancer and cancer treatments.” (Berman, et al., 2017)
Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that cancer supportive care services improve outcomes for the nearly one in two Canadians who will develop cancer in their lifetime. 70% of cancer patients suffer from physical and psychosocial distress, financial and workplace challenges and other lasting side effects that require ongoing comprehensive supportive care. If this is you, get help today.
How To Get The Help You Need
Your Gateway to Existing Supportive Care Services!

Personal Consultations with:
Supportive Care Physicians
Exercise Therapists
Appointments available through on-line video-conferencing, by phone or in-person at centres in Kelowna, Vancouver or Victoria.
Support Programs & Classes
Exercise & Movement
Nutrition & Cooking
Stress Reduction & Counselling
Cancer Education

Kamloops Cancer Clinic

Your Physician or Oncologist
For referrals to those
that can help!

Call Now
Speak to a Nurse Navigator, Pharmacist
or Dietician


Financial Supports

Legal Supports
“I saw many physicians, specialists, etc., during my treatment, but none of them seemed to be connected to each other. Every appointment, I had to fill out another long form with all the information they needed, time and time again. As the patient undergoing chemo, radiation, hormone therapy, and several reconstructive surgeries, and suffering many side effects, I was the one expected to be the link/record keeper… It was exhausting.”